Accompany your favorite songs by learning the guitar chords (chord kuncigitar) with the guides on this website

Accompany your favorite songs by learning the guitar chords (chord kuncigitar) with the guides on this website

Maybe you need to learn a song to play with your friends, but you don’t have enough time or experience to figure out the chords just by listening to the song. It also happens that that song or musical theme you want to learn is played with instruments other than the guitar or has quite complicated progressions.
In short, there are many reasons why you would need some external help. This person already knows that song or a video tutorial. But you may not have those options so the following recommendation can be very useful.
The has a vast collection of songs from all genres. You can find the most indigenous Indonesian classics and trending songs, so if you need help learning a specific song, you can search for it in this extensive catalog.
The video accompanies all the songs with a specific theme and a chord progression marked by the song’s lyrics. You can also transpose it to a much more comfortable key for you or your singer.
Hundreds of songs and their basic chords (chord dasar)
Suppose you do not yet have experience with the instrument. In that case, you may not know that each chord has a main or basic position or inversion (this is the name given to the chords) and several second positions that, although they are the same key, can bring a different color to each song.
But if you’re starting to play the instrument, its best first to learn these basic guitar chord (kunci gitar), and then you can start practicing inversions and give your performances a lot more personality.
To start, you can use the chord guides of each of the songs in the catalog. You will begin to acquire greater precision in your execution, and you will discover very interesting progressions. You will acquire all this learning while enjoying playing your favorite songs and the video tutorials and chord guides published on the web.
Learn the guitar chords (chord kunciGitar) of the most popular songs of recent years
You can find songs by the most popular singers of recent years on this page. Pop, rock, and other genres have surely generated many songs that you will want to learn. With this page, you will be able to take your first steps and surprise your friends by singing their favorite songs.